Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Boys will be Boys.

I am a little annoyed, not sure why. It may be that I just saw something that really pushed my button, or the fact that it is too fucking hot. Regardless I am annoyed and need to take it out on someone, that someone, is Mr. Keyboard.

Yesterday, I had a little tiff with a friend about the amount of male friends I have. The little details he drew from my life, the insignificant things that have been generalized really pissed me off. I grow tired of explaining myself to anyone who asks the question "why do you have some many friends, that are boys?"
Here a nice big ol' fat answer for those who ponder on this fucking stupid question.

Lets get a little sexist.
We all know girls can bitch, we all know girls are very good at it. They know how to fight dirty. They do not go for your face with fists, they go for your heart with words. It's a discusting generalization for me to make, huh? But I am yet to meet (other than adele) a decent amount of girls that are not like that. Why all the secrets? Why not tell them why you don't like them or hell, shut the fuck up and not say anything at all?
Girls are bitchy, very few girls have any self-respect now adays, girls lack loyalty and  seem incapable of sustaining a friendship. So many girls bitch about me for unknown reasons and I don't find out for the longest time. The last time a male had a problem with me, he yelled it from a distance and we had a face-to-face argument. Compair the two? I would much rather have these immature, preppy girls come up to me and scream down my throat the reasons they hate me so much. Even though these reasons are generally unethical because it's the "way she dresses" or "why she stares at us funny". For the last time, I AM HALF ASIAN, my eyes do this naturally folks! Anyways, girls are so sly, boys are mostly upfront. This is obviously very breif and there are a few specific people that you can single out and are differant. But on the whole this is what they have been raised to be like. There is little to no chance of a significant change.
Boys? Regardless of wether they have a dick or not doesn't phase me. Boys have that loyalty thing, I rarely have any sort of issue with two-faced boys because there just doesn't seem to be any. If girls were as upfront and honest as boys were, i would happily befriend them all! But they just aren't. Perhaps it's not their nature.

Don't get me wrong, i try to be friends with girls but i just don't seem to like them and they just don't seem to like me.

I don't go out of my way to make more male friends then female friends, that is just how things have turned out i suppose. I have no intention of taking friendship any furthur than what it is...A FRIENDSHIP. This is no secret way to get in their pants or to seem "cool".  I couldn't care less if you called me a "slut", because if you already made that assumption, then you are the exact person i have blogged about in the past and therefore your opinion means shit-all. Those who have actually considered what i am trying to say, you must be the most open minded people on earth. So sick of answering this dumb-fucking question. How about you get over the fact that i have male friends, stop using it as an excuse for things to dislike me for and stop asking other people about it. This is just for the people who actually read this to know that I am not the most lady-like person, I don't agree with the expectations that women and men are expected to reach/follow. Who says the men can't raise the kids? Who says a woman belongs in a kitchen? We are human, that's the only expectation that should be reached by us. We are all differant, we just have various ways of hiding it. Stop following the norms of the world! They are fucked up! Made in the 1800's, we have grown, we are educated we are smarter than to think these norms are correct. If you are still living in the past, thinking that girls should be friends with girls and only befriend a male in hopes of a relationship then, wake up?

My best friend Darren, MALE.
He has stuck around for almost 4 years now and we have never once had a fight? Why? Because he doesn't bitch, lie, backstab. I have had many failed FEMALE bestfriends that have done all of those things and then some.

In reality, no one likes to be fucked over. I am careful with my friend choices and I don't throw the word friendship around like it is nothing. If my friends are mostly male, so be it. It should not concern you or interest you. It is my choice who i befriend and my choice who i dispise. Your imput doesn't matter because you aren't me. You won't ever see things the way i do, you won't ever feel what i feel. You are you and I am me.

This is the most immature blog i think i have ever posted, but regardless it very, very breifly answers that question. So please don't ask me it again in your life time. Or i'll bite your head off.

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