Sunday, October 25, 2009

i miss you!

It's coming close to the end of my school year and all that i have been thinking about is what I am leaving behind. I have the most amazing music class in the world. It's a room filled with the most genuine/talented people you could ever meet. Leaving a place where I am so at home, so accepted, so comfortable is going to be incredibly difficult. Music is such a personal thing, something that only the writer can truely understand and explore. You could tell a life story in a song and no body could have a clue what you were writing about. A song you interperate could be a complete paradox to what you thought it was. In my music class, we all have the opportuiny to do this together, we all talk about things that each of us understand and can totally relate to. It makes performance (which is an incredibly difficult thing for me; due to my stage fright) so much easier. Next year is so serious, everything is examined and pulled to peices to give me some sort of grade that is ment to get me to uni. Moving schools now, to a new music class was a horrible idea. I hate the fact that i have to step out of my comfort zone and try to work my way back into it. I honestly cannot see it working out at all. I am deffinatly considering staying at my current school for that class and that class only.
Not being able to see Lochie everyday is going to kill me! We have theeeee best jams and our music just meshs so well together like a vegan pee bee and jay sandwhich. I no for a fact there is zero chance of finding someone nearly as awesome as lochie and an even lesser chance of me finding someone i can jam with so comfortably. He is easily one of my closest friends and i will deffinatly make sure our bands succeed to the best of our ability.
This is Lochie, a.k.a the best person ever.

Considering my school is a hell-hole, there are actually some pretty amazing people there. 90% of which are in my music class. It will be hard leaving because obviously there are some people that i know i wont see out of school. This new school I'm going to, I'm not even keen on anymore. I have to move there completely alone and start from scratch. I hate the idea of being so completely uncomfortable. And to be honest, I am quite a socially awkward person, deffinatly not the c00l3$t k1d 0ut.
Unfortunatly there is no way i can stay at my current school which is what i really want to do.

Anywayssssssssss, going to play guitar now.


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